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PhD Lecture Series

The D-BIOL PhD Lecture Series are a yearly series of lectures, completely organized by PhD students, given by invited world-renowed scientists on a broad spectrum of scientific topics.
Every year, a selected committee of PhD students is granted by the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) of ETH a generous budget to invite their favorite scientists to ETH.
Thus, 5-7 times per year, the committee organizes scientific talks, personal meetings, aperos and dinners with world-renowned scientists like Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn (Nobel laureate in 2009, UCSF), Prof. Dr. Stephen O’Rahilly (University of Cambridge), Prof. Dr. Christian Nüsslein-Volhard (Nobel laureate in 1995, Max-Planck Institute) and Prof. Dr. Roy Parker (University of Colorado Boulder).
This is a great opportunity (not only for PhD students, but also for PostDocs and all the scientific staff) to broaden their horizons, get input on their project and expand their network by getting in touch with scientists from all fields of biology.



2018/2019 D-BIOL PhD Seminar Lecture Series Committee

  • President:  Mariëlle van Kooten (Institute of Molecular Systems Biology)
  • Treasurer:  Laura Schenkel (Institute of Biochemistry)
  • Member:  Charlotte Nicod (Institute of Molecular Systems Biology)
  • Member:  Mauro Miguel Masiero (Institute of Molecular Systems Biology)
  • Member:  Anissa Ouald Chaib (D-CHAB, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry)
  • Member:  Stephanie Linker (Institute of Molecular Systems Biology)